full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anil Ananthaswamy: What it takes to do extreme astrophysics

Unscramble the Blue Letters

fiallny, I want to take you to Antarctica. I want to spend most of my time on this part of the wrlod. This is cosmology's fainl frinoetr. Some of the most aznmiag experiments, some of the most extreme experiments, are being done in Antarctica. I was there to view something called a long-duration bloalon flight, which basically takes telescopes and instruments all the way to the upepr atmosphere, the upper stratosphere, 40 km up. And that's where they do their experiments, and then the balloon, the payload, is brought down. So this is us landing on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. That's an American C-17 cargo plane that flew us from New Zealand to McMurdo in Antarctica. And here we are about to board our bus. And I don't know if you can read the lettering, but it says, "Ivan the Terribus." And that's taking us to McMurdo.

Open Cloze

_______, I want to take you to Antarctica. I want to spend most of my time on this part of the _____. This is cosmology's _____ ________. Some of the most _______ experiments, some of the most extreme experiments, are being done in Antarctica. I was there to view something called a long-duration _______ flight, which basically takes telescopes and instruments all the way to the _____ atmosphere, the upper stratosphere, 40 km up. And that's where they do their experiments, and then the balloon, the payload, is brought down. So this is us landing on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. That's an American C-17 cargo plane that flew us from New Zealand to McMurdo in Antarctica. And here we are about to board our bus. And I don't know if you can read the lettering, but it says, "Ivan the Terribus." And that's taking us to McMurdo.


  1. frontier
  2. finally
  3. balloon
  4. amazing
  5. final
  6. upper
  7. world

Original Text

Finally, I want to take you to Antarctica. I want to spend most of my time on this part of the world. This is cosmology's final frontier. Some of the most amazing experiments, some of the most extreme experiments, are being done in Antarctica. I was there to view something called a long-duration balloon flight, which basically takes telescopes and instruments all the way to the upper atmosphere, the upper stratosphere, 40 km up. And that's where they do their experiments, and then the balloon, the payload, is brought down. So this is us landing on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. That's an American C-17 cargo plane that flew us from New Zealand to McMurdo in Antarctica. And here we are about to board our bus. And I don't know if you can read the lettering, but it says, "Ivan the Terribus." And that's taking us to McMurdo.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dark matter 8
large telescope 4
atacama desert 3
called dark 3
south pole 2
pie chart 2
dark energy 2
lake baikal 2
siberian winter 2
ice camp 2
ross ice 2
buddhist monastery 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
called dark matter 2

Important Words

  1. amazing
  2. american
  3. antarctica
  4. atmosphere
  5. balloon
  6. basically
  7. board
  8. brought
  9. bus
  10. called
  11. cargo
  12. experiments
  13. extreme
  14. final
  15. finally
  16. flew
  17. flight
  18. frontier
  19. ice
  20. instruments
  21. km
  22. landing
  23. lettering
  24. mcmurdo
  25. part
  26. payload
  27. plane
  28. read
  29. ross
  30. shelf
  31. spend
  32. stratosphere
  33. takes
  34. telescopes
  35. terribus
  36. time
  37. upper
  38. view
  39. world
  40. zealand